Raccoon Mounts by Reimond Grignon
The raccoon is probably the most well known animal in the United States.
Almost every kid can recognize the animal with the black mask on its face
and the rings on its tail.
If they don't see the animal in the wild, well at least they see them dead on the road. Raccoons are so abundant that large numbers of them get struck by cars on our highways. Raccoons are located in almost every part of the United States where there is suitable habitat for them.
The average weight of an adult raccoon in the northeast will be 15 to 20 pounds with many topping the scales at 30 pounds. Raccoons in the southern states are slightly smaller as a rule.
They have wonderful fur which is very durable with dense under fur that is much sought after by the fur market. The animals stand around ten inches high at the shoulder and can measure 36 inches long total length.
Raccoons can become a nuisance. They will get into every garbage can they can find. Many homeowners to their dismay have discovered garbage all over their lawns when waking up in the morning. Raccoons are nocturnal and do most of their activities during the night.
Raccoons like to den in hollow trees where they raise their young. The mounts in the picture on the left was done to display a mother raccoon getting her baby back into its den.
The Raccoons pictured here on the left won me a first place in a National Taxidermy competition. The little baby was so cute hanging on for dear life that everyone loved this mount. How could you not?
This Raccoon mount is just the head coming out of his hollow tree.
The same can be done for any small animal, like Foxes, Coyotes,
Also Rugs can be made. They are really nice. See my Rug page!
Wolverine Mount by Reimond Grignon
The wolverine is the largest member of the weasel family. It has a stocky,
compact body and is exceptionally strong. It has been seen picking up
crates that weighted over 80 pounds! An Adult male wolverine weights in
at 35 pounds.
These animals are known to get into cabins in Alaska and completely destroy
everything inside. They will follow a trapper for miles destroying his
sets. Wolverine fur is unique in that frost crystals do not adhere to
the fur. This makes the fur highly valued as trimming around the face
of the hoods of parka's and coats.
I mounted the wolverine pictured here for my small museum. It originally came from Alaska. Maine does not have wolverines.
Pine Marten Mount by Reimond Grignon
Maine does have Pine Martens. This mount by won a first place
award in a world taxidermy competition. Pine Martens used to be very scarce
in Maine. Now they are very common and there is an open trapping season
on them.
Pine martens are multicolored. Most are orange brown as pictured here but some animals are mostly gray, or brown, or even black. All are very beautiful. They are a member of the weasel family and hunt other small birds and animals.
Artic Fox mounts by Reimond Grignon
The artic fox above are in the museum room of my shop. I got them frozen, air freighted to me from Alaska. They turn white in the winter and brown in the summer. The bird is a Willow Ptarmigan from Alaska and that bird also turns white in the winter and brown in the summer.
Otter Mounts
Both of the otter mounts above won first place in the Masters division of the World Taxidermy Competition. They look extremely alive! I try my best on every mount I do.
The mount above is a Hare! Its the about only Rabbit in Maine. Although it looks like a rabbit, it is actually, scientifically a Hare! These turn white in the winter and brown in the summer and make great coyote and bobcat food. They taste mighty good to me too!
The bunch of weird branches above him is just a weird growth that sometimes happens in the woods of Maine. Old time locals know this is called a "Witches Broom"..... really!